Maldives Business Registration

Employment in the Maldives

Maldives Immigration issues work visas for foreigners to stay in the Maldives for the purpose of employment.

All employees and employers in the Maldives are subject to the requirements and obligations under the Maldives Employment Act. 

The following are main characteristics under Maldives law. 

Probation Period

3 months

Working Hours

48 hours per week, 6 days a week. Extra working hours are subject to overtime.


(i) If the Employee works overtime on a normal working day - 1.25 times the hourly salary rate;

(ii) If the Employee works overtime on a public holiday - 1.5 times the hourly salary rate. 

(iii) If the Employee is required to work as a normal working day, on a public holiday, half the minimum wage earned on a normal day in addition to the overtime. 

Annual Leave

30 days per annum with pay, excluding public holidays

Medical Leave

30 days per annum 

Maternity Leave

60 days 

Paternity Leave

3 days 

Other Leave

Family responsibility leave of 10 days per annum and child circumcision leave of 5 days

Termination Notice

(i) If employed for 6 - 12 months, a notice of 2 weeks;

(ii) If employed for 12 months to 5 years, a notice of 1 month;

(iii) If employed for a period of more than 5 years, a notice of 2 months. 

Holidays and Working Hours in Maldives